Angola at IDA African Summit

  • Luanda     Monday, 29 April De 2024    01h35  
Ministro do Planeamento, Víctor Hugo Guilherme
Ministro do Planeamento, Víctor Hugo Guilherme
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda – Issues related to the strategic vision of Africa's Development dominated yesterday's meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, at the first day of the Summit of African Heads of State of the International Development Association (IDA), in which Angola is represented by the minister of Planning, Victor Guilherme.

A note from the Embassy of Angola in Kenya states that the start of the works was dedicated to ministerial delegations, from Finance, who defended a collective voice regarding the strategic vision for the continent's development, with priorities to be taken into account in the IDA.

They highlighted the increase in financing to speed up the construction of infrastructure, the promotion of employment for youth, energy, access to new technologies, as well as digital integration, contributions that can put the continent on the path to development.

Speaking to the press, Victor Guilherme said that the priorities defined by Africa are in line with those of the National Development Plan (PDN), drawn up by the Angolan Executive, having highlighted the development of human capital and food security as examples.

He recalled that the continent will not quickly achieve development without peace, therefore, he said, Angola's experience can contribute to the resolution of conflicts in Africa.

Held at the Kenyatta Convention Center, the meeting of finance ministers aimed to analyze the Summit's agenda and discuss the main ideas, which will be part of the final document, to be submitted this Monday (29), at the meeting of Heads of State and Government.

The IDA Summit for Africa is an event that brings together African Heads of State and Government from member countries of this association and senior entities from the World Bank (WB) group.

The International Development Association (IDA) is an institution of the World Bank, created in 1960, that helps the poorest countries in the world, focusing on reducing poverty by granting zero or low interest loans (known as “credits”) and subsidies for programs that stimulate economic growth, reduce inequalities and improve people's living conditions.

