Angola, South Africa sign cross-border road transport agreement

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 31 January De 2024    15h18  

Luanda – Angola’s National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) and South Africa’s Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (C-BRTA) signed Wednesday a memo to strengthen cooperation in institutional and technical capacity in cross-border road transport services.

ANTT´s CEO, Énio Costa, signed the memorandum on the Angolan side, while on the South African side it was signed by the C-BRTA executive director, Lwazi Knowledge Mboyi.

Énio Costa said the signing of the memo will represent the pilot implementation of the "Cross Easy" computing system over a period of four months.

The Cross Easy system is a digital platform that aims to facilitate the licensing of operators working in cross-border road transport, making it possible to collect, process, store and transmit information on operators, drivers and vehicles, reducing obstacles to mobility.

"The memorandum will support all the other agreements, with the main aim of strengthening technical institutional capacity in the field of cross-border road transport services, in other words, they will be able to exchange experience on the cross-border movement of trucks, buses, which leave Angola and pass through Namibia, Botswana, reaching South Africa," Costa said.

He underlined that it will help to better control drivers, goods and people leaving South Africa, passing through neighboring countries, and control haulers through shared data from the General Tax Administration.

Lwazi Knowledge Mboyi on his turn said the memo is expected to build a well-structured relationship in terms of cross-border road transport of goods, services and people from Angola to South Africa and neighboring countries.

The National Land Transport Agency was set up two years ago as part of the reform of the Ministry of Transport. Its aim is to formulate policies and oversee all activities covering the road, rail and cross-border sectors.

ANTT data indicates that on average 60 to 40 trucks circulate daily on Angola's northern borders.ML/AC/DAN/AMP

