Angola engages in investment protection agreement with China, Japan

  • Luanda     Thursday, 14 January De 2021    16h36  
State Secretary for Planning, Milton Reis
State Secretary for Planning, Milton Reis
Clemente dos santos

Luanda – Angola has announced plans to enter into the negotiation processes of Agreements on Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments (APPRI) with Japan, China and Mozambique.

This was announced Thursday by the State Secretary for Planning, Milton Reis, who did not add further details in terms of the agreements.


Speaking at the bi-weekly briefing, promoted by the Ministry of Economy and Planning, the official said the move is meant to demonstrate to the international investors the existence of a legal and security mechanism to carry out their investments.


Research conducted with the Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency-(AIPEX) points out that in Africa, Angola has agreements in this field with South Africa, Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde.


While, in Asia, the country has agreements with Qatar, and in Europe with Portugal, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Russia and France.


For 2021, the Ministry of Economy and Planning says it has scheduled events and arrangements of joint agreements for bilateral economic cooperation with countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Russia, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Cuba, Czech Republic and Germany.


The official also announced other actions, which include the disclosure, together with economic agents, public and private sectors, of the financial products available from international financial institutions.

They include the  International Financial Cooperation (IFC) attached to the World Bank and the European Development Bank (EDB).


Still, as for cooperation and development, Angola announced plans to consolidate its position in regional organisations and improve its relationship with its development partners.


The country announced regularizing the frequency of participation of Angola's actions regional economic integration with emphasis on Central Africa, SADC and Sub-Saharan Africa, with the opening of the Continental Free Trade Zone.


In the field of economic cooperation and with a view to boosting private investment, the Ministry of Economy also says it will hold a methodological capacity building seminar for economic and trade attachés.
