Economic relief guarantees 60 jobs in distribution companies

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 23 February De 2021    01h33  
Huila Milho Comprado Aos Agricultores
Huila Milho Comprado Aos Agricultores

Lubango - At least 60 young people between 18 and 45 years old, from Huíla province, have since 2020 gained first jobs in 20 Commerce and Distribution operators of national production that benefited from the Angolan Government's Economic Relief Programme.

The young people were inserted in the areas of accounting, statistics, dockers and clerks, as part of the Programme of Support to Production, Diversification of Exports and Substitution of Imports, PRODESI.

In all, the Angolan government, via the Development Bank of Angola (BDA), has provided 12 billion Kwanzas funding to support micro, small and medium-sized companies in Huila that have faced difficulties in their business, due to covid-19, in the areas of production, buying and resale.

Speaking to journalists at the signing of a new contract between Casa Azul (Huila) and Fazenda Kapangombe (Namibe), for the acquisition of eggs, the director of the Office for Integrated Economic Development, Manuel Machado Quilende, noted that Prodesi was in fact encouraging cooperatives to produce on a large scale.

"If we look at the focus of what is the purchase of national production, the increase and redistribution within the marketing chain, we conclude that a programme that is having the desired effects by facilitating national producers," he said.
