Luachimo hydraulic dam extension completed

  • Luanda     Monday, 19 February De 2024    16h08  
LUNDA-NORTE: Obras de ampliação da barragem de Luachimo.
LUNDA-NORTE: Obras de ampliação da barragem de Luachimo.
Nelson Malamba

Dundo - The work to extend the capacity of the Luachimo hydroelectric dam in Lunda-Norte, which began in December 2023 to ensure better drainage of river water, has been completed, ANGOP has learnt.

According to the coordinator of the Middle Kwanza Development Office (GAMEK), Joaquim Garcia da Costa, the accumulation of sand in the circuit caused the fourth turbine to break down, which forced the suspension of the final testing phase in August 2023 for a major intervention in the hydraulic circuit.

He added that the affected turbine is already being replaced and specific work is underway to get it into the testing phase.

Budgeted at 212 million US dollars, the contract included the rehabilitation of the mechanical equipment, the construction of a new hydraulic circuit designed for 240 cubic meters of water per second, consisting of a water intake, an addiction channel, a loading chamber and a restitution channel.

A new 60-kilovolt substation was also built and the access road to the dam was remodeled, including the passage to the power station.

The new power station infrastructure is 35 meters high, the equivalent of an 11-storey building, installed in an area 50 meters long and 30 meters in cross-section. 

The old power station building has been rehabilitated to serve technical education institutions.JVL/HD/TED/AMP


