General Tax Administration uses Tech-Gest technology to collect property tax

  • Luanda     Monday, 25 March De 2024    21h51  
Logotipo da Administração Geral Tributária (AGT)
Logotipo da Administração Geral Tributária (AGT)

Luanda - The General Tax Administration (AGT) is taking advantage of Tech-Gest technology, a service that uses up to date images from the Angolan Satellite (Angosat-2), to collect Property Tax (IP), via the link

According to a press release ANGOP had access to on Monday, through this link, users can register, using their tax identification number (NIF) or their details from the taxpayer portal. After this step, the citizen must select the option to register property and urban building, in the identification of the declarant and select as owner, then follow the next options to complete the operations.

For payment, taxpayers can make an appointment via the Taxpayer Portal or the AGT website for online or face-to-face service, as well as request support from the Taxpayer Support Centre, to facilitate the fulfilment of this task. It can also be paid at the institution's tax offices.

Voluntary payment of the IP for 2023 began on 1 January and ends on 31 January, throughout the country.

The IP rate is 0.5% on the amount of the property value that exceeds 5 million kwanzas. For buildings that are rented out, the effective rate of 15% applies to the total rent.

Property tax (IP) is levied on the patrimonial value or rent of urban and rustic buildings, as well as on free or onerous transfers of immovable property, regardless of the title by which such transfers are made.

On the other hand, Tech-gest technology, which is being used by AGT, is a service that uses up-to-date, high-resolution satellite images to monitor infrastructures, manage assets, detect changes and map land use and occupation.

Alongside this tool, Angosat-2 has also made 'Tech-ecology' technology available, which is a solution that uses satellite radar images to detect, monitor and warn of possible oil spills in the national offshore.

The same package also includes 'Tech-agro', a service aimed at farmers, which makes it possible to analyse the state of agricultural fields by monitoring vegetation development using the Normalised Difference Index (NDVI) and biophysical parameters (LAI, Fcover, FAPAR).

According to the National Spatial Programme Management Office (GGPEN), the benefits of these services include optimising the use of resources, added value in the provision of services, payment in national currency, reduced operating costs and increased productivity.

With Tech-gest, Tech-ecology and Tech-agro, GGPEN, under the supervision of the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Social Communication (MINTTICS), has the vision of supporting sustainable development through aerospace technologies, helping to position Angola as one of the leaders in the space area in Africa.

Launched into orbit on 12 October 2022 from the Baikonur aerospace station in Kazakhstan, the Angolan satellite - Angosat-2 - has a transmission capacity seven times greater than that of ANGOSAT-1, which had 16 relays in the C Band and six in the KU Band.

With a 15-year lifespan, ANGOPST-2 also has six transponders in the C Band, 24 in the KU Band and, as a novelty, a relay in the KA Band.


