Academics analyze economic growth policies

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 10 April De 2024    18h37  
Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE).
Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE).

Luanda - The policies to promote social and economic growth and food security in Angola were the main topics of the first day of the 8th Technical-Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Economics of the Agostinho Neto University taking place since Wednesday in Luanda.

The three-day event running under the motto ‘'Strategies for a more sustainable economy’’ brings together researchers, teachers, government officials, students and civil society.

The event includes a total of 32 themes, subdivided into five panels, such as Business strategies for economic sustainability, Angolan financial system and sustainable development, contribution of accounting and auditing to a smooth running of the economy and Human capital and sustainable development.

It is also discussing issues related to the diversification of the productive structure, the impact of family farming, tourism as a triumph and challenges for the development of Angola, the role of entrepreneurship in the sustainability of the country's economy, sustainable financing on the stock exchange, among others.

João Baptista, vice-rector of the Agostinho Neto University, said the event will enable the creation of projects to boost the process of economic diversification with the aim to reach sustainable development of Angola.

