Domingos Mateus wins provincial chess championship

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 26 March De 2024    15h50  
Domingos Mateus, campeão provincial de xadrez de Malanje
Domingos Mateus, campeão provincial de xadrez de Malanje
Nelson Costa-ANGOP

Malanje - Domingos Mateus won the 2024 Malanje provincial chess championship on Tuesday, with 4 points, after beating Sílvio Fernandes in the fifth and final round.

Agostinho Diogo, Gelson Arão and Abel Katumua, with 3.5, 3 and 2 points, followed in the table.

Reagan Diampanga (1.5 points) and Sílvio Fernandes (1 point) were at the bottom.

Domingos Mateus spoke of the need to work hard to represent Malanje province in the Zonal B to be held in April and then to think about the absolute individual national competition in May.

 Mateus said that he aims to win Zonal B and finish at the top five at the national championships, so his efforts will be focused on this.

The championship was organized by the Provincial Chess Association and was played on an all against over five rounds, with only six players taking part, five of them qualified for Zonal B.NC/PBC/TED/AMP


