CAF - Sagrada Esperança beat Abu Salim

  • Luanda     Sunday, 03 March De 2024    22h13  
Sagrada Esperança (arquivo)
Sagrada Esperança (arquivo)
António Escrivão-ANGOP

Luanda – Sagrada Esperança beat Abu Salim of Libya this Sunday in Luanda, by 3-0, in a game for the 6th and final round of Group B of the African Confederation (CAF) Cup, played at the 11 de Novembro Stadium.

The goals in this group stage match were scored by Judour (self-inflicted, 4'), Luís Tati (56') and Walter Monteiro (66').

With this triumph, the Angolan team have a total of eight (8) points, in third place in the competition, but with no chance of qualifying for the quarter-finals, where the Libyan squad are already with 9 points.

In the first meeting, Sagrada Esperança lost in Libya, 0-1.

In five games of the group, Sagrada Esperança won and drew SOAR from Guinea (2-0 and 0-0), drew and lost against Zamalek from Egypt (0-0 and 0-1) and were defeated by Abu Salim (0-1).

