Sagrada Esperança free of CAF sanctions

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 26 January De 2021    21h08  
Sagrada Esperança domina 11 do ano (Arquivo)
Sagrada Esperança domina 11 do ano (Arquivo)
Antonio Escrivão

Luanda – Angola’s Sagrada Esperança football team will not suffer any sanction by the Confederation of African Football (CAF), following their withdrawal from the Confederation Cup.

This follows a decision of the Executive Committee of the institution at the meeting held in January 15 in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

In a statement issued on Sunday, to which ANGOP had access on Monday, CAF reported an amnesty for all the withdrawal teams due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The CAF note states that due to the unforeseen conditions of the pandemic, there have been several withdrawals in different competitions, motivated by travel restrictions imposed by governments.

Under normal conditions such a procedure would result in suspension in subsequent editions and financial sanction, in accordance with the regulations of the continental body.

Earlier this month, Sagrada Esperança announced their withdrawal from the Confederation Cup before their encounter with South Africa's Orlando Pirates in the second leg of the group stage preliminaries, after a 0-1 home defeat.
