Petro de Luanda makes official handball team coach departure

  • Luanda     Thursday, 18 January De 2024    21h42  
Técnico do Petro Vivaldo Eduardo ao serviço da selecção feminina
Técnico do Petro Vivaldo Eduardo ao serviço da selecção feminina
Henri Celso

Luanda - Petro de Luanda on Thursday made official the departure of coach Vivaldo Eduardo from the club's senior women's handball team, where he remained for more than a decade, ANGOP has learnt.

On its official website, the Petro de Luanda does not state the reasons for the departure.

The club is currently negotiating the hiring of a foreign coach.

Petro de Luanda are gearing up for the Francisco de Almeida Super Cup, scheduled for January 26, with caretaker Luís Chaves.

Vivaldo Eduardo has been with the first team for more than two decades, winning all the national and African competitions, making him one of the sport's main references in the country and the continent.

 Vivaldo Eduardo has also been sacked as coach of Angola senior women's national team replaced by the Spaniard Carlos Viver.WR/VAB/DAN/AMP
