Kikas’ single candidate runs for AAOA top job

  • Luanda     Monday, 02 November De 2020    22h08  
Joaquim Brandão Gomes "Kikas"
Joaquim Brandão Gomes "Kikas"

Luanda - Association of Olympic Athletes of Angola (AAOA) elections for 2020/24 will take place on the 21st of November, with a unique list led by Joaquim Brandão Gomes "Kikas", ANGOP learned Monday.

This is contained in a press release from the National Electoral Commission, stating that the single list was considered eligible for the campaign period, which will run from 30 October to 18 November.

Olympic and Paralympic athletes residing abroad or in a province other than Luanda will be able to vote on the 21st, from 10 am to 12 pm, via email address “”

The results will be known on November 23, at 3 pm.

Founded in 2009, the Association of Olympic Athletes of Angola is currently led by the former swimmer Nádia Cruz.

Kikas has excelled in the his service for 1º de Agosto and for the national teams, and is currently the director for basketball for 1º de Agosto.
