Angolan athletes in Congo face 1º Agosto and Petro compatriots

  • Luanda     Monday, 25 September De 2023    15h42  
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1.º de Agosto Squad
1.º de Agosto Squad
Marcelino Camões
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Petro de Luanda team
Petro de Luanda team
Walter dos Reis

Luanda - The 44th edition of the women's senior handball Champion Clubs Cup, to be played from the 28th of the current month to 7th October, in Congo Brazzaville, will feature Angolan players who are performing in the local championship and, thus, will face their compatriots from 1.º de Agosto and Petro de Luanda, the main candidates to the title.

The said players are Ivete Simão, Manuela Paulino, Wilma Lucéu, Marcela Paiva, Lurdes Monteiro, Ana Conceição and Anastácio, members of the Congolese teams of DGSP and Grain de Sel.

It has been common, in recent years, for Congolese teams to invest in hiring Angolan athletes when they qualify for continental competitions.

In the Champions Cup, 1.º de Agosto are part of group A where they will face Congo’s Grain de, Nziko from Cameroon and Al Ahly from Egypt.

On the other hand, Petro de Luanda are in group (B) with FAP from Cameroon, Bandama from Côte d’Ivoire and DGSP from Congo.

