Interclub beat Santa Clara, cement handball championship lead

  • Luanda     Friday, 27 August De 2021    22h34  
Interclube vs 1º de Agosto
Interclube vs 1º de Agosto
António Escrivão

Luanda - Interclube defeated by 39-31 Santa Rita de Cássia on Friday in the eighth round of the national junior men's handball championship to remain the leader of the competition with 12 points.

In other matches, Desportivo do Chicapa defeated Atlético da Madeira by 37-32, while Ferrovia overcame Obra do Maxinde by 33-20.

Saturday matches feature Ferrovia-Sporting de Luanda, Santa Rita de Cássia-1º de Agosto and Atlético da Madeira-Interclube.

Standings after seven rounds:   

1. Interclube 12 points

2. Desportivo do Chicapa 10pts 

3. Obra da Maxinde 8 pts

4 Atlético da Madeira 6pts

5. Ferroviário 6pts

6 Santa Rita de Cássia do Uíge 6pts

7.1º de Agosto 5pts

8 Sporting de Luanda 0 pts

9. Sporting de Cabinda 0 (quit)

