Luanda Provincial Government offers plot of land for Mantorras Academy construction

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 23 January De 2024    17h26  
Governo da província de Luanda homenageia antigo jogador da seleção nacional, Pedro Mantorras
Governo da província de Luanda homenageia antigo jogador da seleção nacional, Pedro Mantorras
Nelson Malamba-ANGOP

Luanda - The Luanda Provincial Government (GPL), on Monday in the Province of Luanda made a plot of land available in the municipality of Bela to former footballer Pedro Manuel also known as Mantorras, for the construction of a football academy in his name.

The information was given by the former football player of Progresso Associação Sambizanga (PAS), Benfica of Portugal and the Angolan national team, on the occasion of a gala to honour him, an act that was promoted by the GPL, which awarded him the Meritorious Citizen Award.

At the event, which was also part of the celebrations for the 448th anniversary of the founding of the country's capital, the GPL praised the player's achievements, both nationally and internationally, as an inspiration for young people who dream of becoming a sports star.

Mantorras, a businessman and Benfica's ambassador in Portugal, thanked the authorities for their gesture, particularly the provincial governor Manuel Homem, who gave him a sketch of the location of the space to build his academy and help the country train children and young people.

Without detailing the number of plots and the exact space, the football star, who also played for Portuguese club Alverca, said that he had always hoped to have an academy and that, with the offer of the land, he will be able to make it a reality.

He added that he considered the honour and the offer of the land to be something beautiful and important that he had never received in his country since he stopped playing football.

Last Sunday, the Municipality of Luanda held a tournament in Sambizanga, the neighbourhood where he grew up and took his first steps in football, played by two local teams.

At both ceremonies, the former Angolan international player was accompanied by members of his family, friends, coaches and other organisations.

Born in the province of Huambo on 18 March 1982, Pedro Manuel "Mantorras" made a name for himself at Sport Lisboa e Benfica club of Portugal, where he is an ambassador.

During his career he suffered a serious injury to his right knee, which caused him to have some limitations and consequently stopped playing at the age of 30.

