InterClube beat Desportivo da Huila

  • Luanda     Saturday, 30 March De 2024    20h17  
Interclube vs Desportivo da Huíla
Interclube vs Desportivo da Huíla
Domingos Cardoso-ANGOP

Luanda – Interclube’s striker Jorginho solo goal scored in the minute 77, secured a home win for his team over Desportivo da Huila in the 16th round of the national first division football championship (Girabola2023/24).


Initially, it was the home team that showed the first sign of danger, with Jorgen, on the left wing, serving Buba for a header, with the ball going over the opponent's goal in the 15th minute.Buba further appeared in the box, with clean shot, however it hit the bar.

With this result, Interclube occupies 12th place, with 13 points, while Desportivo da Huíla is 7th/17th.

