Petro de Luanda beat Williete in Girabola game

  • Luanda     Sunday, 10 March De 2024    19h42  
Petro de Luanda squad
Petro de Luanda squad

Luanda – Petro de Luanda beat Williete de Benguela 2-0, in a game for the 14th round of the national football tournament named Girabola 2023-24, thus remaining in the second position with 31 points.

The two goals of the game played at the Ombaka stadium, were scored by Jaredi.  With this defeat, Williete de Benguela remains in sixth place with 18 points, while Desportivo da Lunda Sul continue to lead with 32 points.

Also today, at the Álvaro Buta Stadium, São Salvador do Kongo beat Académica do Lobito by the same 2-0 score, in a match that served to settle the 15th round of this first division national football competition.  The hosts' goals were scored by Coxi and MC.

São Salvador moved up from 12th position to 9th, now with 15 points, while Lobito dropped to 8th, with the same 14 points.

