Chinguar beats Cuito in opening of school games

  • Luanda     Saturday, 02 March De 2024    14h18  
Abertura dos jogos escolares no Bié
Abertura dos jogos escolares no Bié
Aurélio Segunda-ANGOP

Cuito – Angolan central Bie province,football teams  of municipality of Chinguar beat their counterparts from Cuito 5-0 today in the opening match of the twelfth edition of the school games.

The match was played in zone-A, in which the team from the municipality of Chitembo was off due to the calendar.

In zone-B are the teams from the municipalities of Cunhinga, Andulo and Nharea, while zone C includes Camacupa, Catabola and Cuemba.

The top teams in each zone plus the best runner-up qualify for the semi-finals.

The championship ends on the 15th March. Cuito is the holder of the trophy.

The winner will go on to represent the province of Bié in the zonal qualifying competition for the school games in the central region, which includes Huambo, Benguela and Cuanza-Sul.

These school games will also include competitions in handball, basketball, athletics, gymnastics and volleyball.

At the opening ceremony, the director of the Bié Provincial Education Office, Amado Leonardo André, said that the aim of the school games is to encourage the practice of sporting and educational activities, as well as to promote school inclusion through the practice of sport.

The objectives also include contributing to the integral development of the pupil, with the educational factor always prevailing.AS/PLB/DAN/DOJ
