Swimming - Angolan relay expected on African podium

  • Luanda     Saturday, 20 April De 2024    17h42  
Pormenor de uma prova de natação-Arquivo
Pormenor de uma prova de natação-Arquivo
Domingos Cardoso-ANGOP

Luanda - The coordinator of the National Swimming Team, Artur Henrique, pointed out Saturday, in Luanda, great possibilities for the country to reach the podium, in the relay events of the absolute African Championship, which will be held from the 30th of this month to the 5th of May nearby, at the Alvalade swimming pool, in Luanda.

In preview of the continental event and the possibilities of Angolan swimmers, the official told ANGOP that the group is made up of fast and experienced athletes capable of obtaining medals in collective events.

He explained that swimmers have improved a lot in the last three years in events in this category. A fact evidenced in 2021, in Ghana, where he won four bronze medals, in relay, out of the six achieved.

He justified that they have units that can argue for podium finishes in individual events at the event, but it is expected to be difficult, due to the fact that it brings together the fastest in Africa.

He added that Angola within African zone IV is the 3rd force, both at a collective and individual level, but in absolute Africa, the power lies with South Africa and northern countries, such as Tunisia and Egypt.

Even so, it is expected that the national teams will improve their marks and break as many internal records as possible.

The National Team, to be completed on the 27th of this month, is made up of Salvador Gordo, Henrique Mascarenhas, Lia Lima, N’hara Fernandes and Maria Freitas.

Djamel Pires, Enzo Anjos, Sebastião Vika, Luyane Costa, David Padre, José Cochofel, Janel Tati, Yano Elias, Rafaela Santo, Nyriam Morias, Carlota Silva and Rhanya Santo complete the squad.

