Fighting sports competition resume in Angola

  • Luanda     Monday, 12 April De 2021    07h10  
Neide confirmada para Tóquio
Neide confirmada para Tóquio

Luanda – The Angola government has issued a Presidential Decree on the State of Calamity that authorizes the resumption of federate fight competitions in the country as from Sunday midnight.

The new diploma that should be in force for a period of 30 days, validated by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, allows competitions in judo, karate, jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, taekwondo and boxing to be resumed in the country.

The fight competition along with others in the country were prohibited a year ago, due to their character of physical contact, identified as high risk for the contagion and spread of Covid-19.

Swimming and sport fishing have also been authorized to resume competitions.

The players will be subject to compliance with the sports protocol on Covid-19, the institutional quarantine after returning from international competition, hygienic measures in the compartments of sports venues, and regular testing of all athletes.

This is the 12th time Angolan authorities have updated the Presidential Decree on the State of Calamity in force since May 25, 2020.




