1º de Agosto beats Vila and ensures in 2nd position

  • Luanda     Friday, 26 January De 2024    21h37  
Basketball match
Basketball match

Luanda - 1° de Agosto beat Vila Clotilde, by 110-99, this Friday, in Luanda, in a match on the eighth round of the 2nd season of the National Senior Men's Basketball Championship, played at the Victorino Cunha pavilion.

At halftime, the result was tied, 54-54. In the match, Hélder Minha, from 1º de Agosto was the top scorer, with 32 points, followed by Valdemar Avelino, from Vila, with 22.

In the other match, on the same day, Interclube defeated Jesus Cristo Basketball, by 112-80, ASA beat Clube de Formação Desportiva Kwanza, by 92-82, and Petro B beat Akira Academy, by 85-67.

On Thursday, at the start, Petro de Luanda beat the Casa do Pessoal do Porto do Lobito team, by 100-92.

For the 9th round, Saturday, they will play:

Petro B vs ASA (ISPTEC arena)

Jesus Cristo Basketball vs 1º de Agosto (Cidadela arena)

Vila Clotilde vs Casa dos Pessoal do Porto do Lobito (To be indicated, at 4 pm).

Clube Amigos do Basquetebol de Benguela vs Clube de Formação Desportiva Kwanza (Acácia Rubras)

Akira Academy vs Interclube

Inter B vs Clube Amigos do Basquetebol de Benguela (Cidadela, at 4pm)


1st - Petro de Luanda - 37

2nd - 1º de Agosto - 37

3rd - CPPL - 32

4th - Interclube - 32

5th - Vila Clotilde - 31

6th - Petro B-31

7th - J.C.Basketball - 25

8th - ASA - 25

9th - Inter B - 22

10th - Akira Academy - 19

11th - C.A.B.B -17

12th - C.F.D.Kwanza - 17


