Dutch cyclist arrives in Cunene

  • Luanda     Friday, 12 August De 2022    15h26  
Dutch cyclist, Albert Jansen
Dutch cyclist, Albert Jansen
José Cachiva

Ondjiva - The Dutch cyclist, Albert Jansen, who has been in Angola since June for a tour in some African countries, arrived Friday in southern Cunene Province, before heading to the Republic of Namibia.

The 43-year old cyclist left Luanda on July 29, passing through the provinces of Cuanza Norte, Cuanza Sul, Huambo, Huila and Cunene.


Speaking to the press, Albert Jansen, resident in Austria, said that after leaving Angola and Namibia he will head to  South Africa, where he ends the first stage of his tour of of the African continent.


He added that his tour aims to become acquainted with the socioeconomic and cultural reality of Africa, having expressed his delight with its natural beauty that has several points of tourist attraction, regional and linguistic diversity of peoples, as well as the gastronomy.


In Cunene, the tourist visited the statue of King Mandume ya Ndemufayo located in Ondjiva's central square, where he received explanations about the historical legacy of the sovereign.
