Palanca Negra pavilion hosts super cup despite poor conditions

  • Luanda     Saturday, 15 May De 2021    08h31  
Pavilhão Palanca Negra Gigante - ARQUIVO
Pavilhão Palanca Negra Gigante - ARQUIVO

Malanje - Palanca Negra Gigante Pavilion, also called "Arena de Malanje", hosts on Saturday  the senior women’s  basketball super cup for the third time in its history, despite its poor infrastructure conditions.

Since its construction in 2013, the infrastructure today presents an image far from the quality it had before.

1.º de Agosto and Interclube face in the opening round, in the most important competition Malanje hosts this year, along with the Regional Championship of adapted athletics held this month.

The Palanca Negra Gigante Pavilion was built in 2013. With a capacity for 3,000 spectators, it holds a parking lot for more than 500 vehicles among other compartments.
