Football: Angola face Iran on FIFA date

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 30 August De 2023    14h56  
National Football team in 2006 World Cup in Germany
National Football team in 2006 World Cup in Germany

Luanda-– Seventeen years after the historic 1-1 draw in the last match of the initial phase of the Football World Cup played in Germany, Angola and Iran face off against each other again.

This third match between the counterparts – with Angola having suffered 0-1 defeat in February 2011 in a friendly game - will take place on September 12, may be at the Tundavala stadium, in southern Huila province, on a FIFA date.

At the time Angola lost to Portugal 0-1, but drew against the Iranians, when the National Team scored first in the 60th minute by Flávio Amado.

Portugal won Group D with nine points, followed by Mexico (four), Angola managed two and Iran with one point. MC/CF/NIC
