Angola ends Luanda Open 2024 with 19 medals

  • Luanda     Monday, 08 April De 2024    06h33  
Angola domina o pódio, no campeonato africano de judo
Angola domina o pódio, no campeonato africano de judo
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda – Angola national men and women’s senior judo teams on Sunday finished the Luanda African Open 2024 with a total of 19 medals, including seven gold, five silver medals and seven bronze.

In men's category, Leonardo Barros (60kg), António Candeeiro (73kg), Adriano Tchissende (90kg), Pedro Edmilson (66kg) and Wilson Afonso (81kg) won gold medals, while in the women's category, Maria Niangi and Andreza António won gold, which put them in first place in the overall standings.

In the African competition contested by 181 athletes from 21 countries, Bosnia, as a guest, came second in the standings with two gold medals, followed by Cameroon with one gold.

In the junior category, Angola won 36 medals, 11 gold medals, 10 silver and 15 bronze.

In the children category, the national team won 23 medals, in a category that was contested only by São Tomé and Príncipe and Angola, with the national team winning eight gold and five silver medals, against zero for their opponents.

In total, the event included representatives from Angola, Burundi, Bosnia, Botswana, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Cape Verde, Gabon, Morocco, Malawi, Mozambique, Panama, Paraguay, São Tomé and Príncipe and Uruguay.

The African OPEN was attended by opponents from other continents as guests.




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