Angola fail African handball championship semi-finals

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 23 January De 2024    18h32  
Selecção nacional sénior masculina de andebol
Selecção nacional sénior masculina de andebol

Luanda – Angola national senior men's handball team lost 25-37 to Egypt Tuesday and failed to qualify for the semi-finals of the African Men's Handball Championship being held in Cairo.

After a balanced start, with five draws (4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7 and 8-8), the hosts took control of the game and went into the break with a 20-13 lead.

Angolan player Agnelo Quitongo was sent off for violent play with one minute left in the final.

The Angolan team will now contest for fifth to seventh place on Thursday, with their opponents still to be determined.

Cape Verde, the runners-up, beat Morocco 31-22, while Gabon beat Rwanda 37-33. To progress to the semi-finals.WR/VAB/AMP


