Angola, Serbia sign sport agreements

  • Luanda     Monday, 18 September De 2023    20h26  
Angola e Sérvia cooperam no domínio do desporto
Angola e Sérvia cooperam no domínio do desporto

Luanda – Angola and Serbia have signed an agreement in the sports sector that will enable the preparation of athletes and coaches, institutional cooperation, technologies, fight against doping and sport of inclusion.

Signed by the Minister of Youth and Sports Palmira Barbosa and her Serbian counterpart Husseyn Memitchi, in Belgrade, the Serbia capital, the partnership also covers sports sponsorship, sports medicine and training for specialists.

The Promotion of Paralympic sport, Special Olympics, protection of young athletes, gender promotion, infrastructure maintenance, sports programmes in basic schools and universities are also included in the agreements between the two states.

The Angolan minister, who is on a working visit to that Eastern European country, is accompanied by the National Director for Sports, Nicolau Daniel and the presidents of the Angolan Football Federation, Artur de Almeida e Silva and of  Handball, José de Amaral "Maninho".

Palmira Barbosa on Sunday highlighted the qualities of the founder of the Angolan nation, António Agostinho Neto, in the activities to celebrate the September 17, the day of the Angola National Hero.

At an event organised by the Angolan Embassy in Serbia, the minister spoke about the human and patriotic dimension of Neto, who led Angola to independence, proclaimed on November 11, 1975.MC/AMP
