Rwanda: Angola participate with eight debutantes in African championship

  • Luanda     Friday, 28 July De 2023    14h04  
Sara Caetano - uma das estreantes de Angola em Kigali
Sara Caetano - uma das estreantes de Angola em Kigali
Walter dos Reis

Luanda - National Senior Women's Basketball Team has eight athletes debuting in the African Championship, which started Friday (28) in Kigali (Rwanda).

They are Isabel Fernando, Cácia Nzomba, Sara Caetano, Isabel João, Nelma Cunha, Arminda Joaquim, Jessica Malagi and Joana António.

The list also features the experienced Nadir Manuel, Cristina Matiquite, Artemis Afonso and Edvânia Pascoal.

Compared to the last event, Angola will evolve with a group of athletes six years younger (average 24 years old) and two centimeters taller.

Also making his debut in the African championship is the Spanish coach, José Freixas, hired this year by the Angolan Basketball Federation.

Sharing group A, Angola face Côte d`Ivoire on Saturday in their debut.

The competition brings together four groups of three teams each, with the first team qualifying directly for the quarter-finals.

The second and third should play one more round to access the quarter-finals. WR/MC/CF/NIC

