Sport agents call for transparency in Ferrovia case

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 05 May De 2021    20h59  
Ferrovia obtém primeiro ponto no Girabola após castigo federativo
Ferrovia obtém primeiro ponto no Girabola após castigo federativo

Huambo - Sports agents in central Huambo province on Wednesday called for transparency in the handling of the case involving Ferrovia Sports Group, following the decision of the Disciplinary Board of the Angolan Football Federation (FAF) to withdraw 19 points from the team.

The FAF disciplinary board took out the points from the team following the protest filed by Williete Benguela, for allegedly bad registration of the athlete Alberto Eliseu Xavier.

In the protest, Williete claims the player was registered in Ferrovia do Huambo without the termination of the agreement the player has with them.

The president of Ferrovia do Huambo, Adriano Neto, confirmed that his club have already filed an appeal to the FAF to be appreciated by the Jurisdictional Council, as well as the Provincial Court of Luanda.

In this regard, some sports agents requested more prudence and transparency in the analysis of the situation, which they consider to be the result of administrative disorganization that Angolan football still faces.

According to the director of the Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Office, Jeremias Piedade, Ferrovia do Huambo is being victim of FAF's disorganization.

The former secretary-general of Petro do Huambo, José Mulusi, believes that FAF cannot look at the clubs' failures and decide, but rather guarantee a transparent management of the sport in the country, thus avoiding errors that compromise the development of the football in the country.


