1º de Agosto win Africa Handball Super Cup

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 16 April De 2024    18h12  
Equipa sénior feminina de andebol do 1º de Agosto
Equipa sénior feminina de andebol do 1º de Agosto
Walter dos Reis - ANGOP

Luanda – Angola’s 1º de Agosto won the African Senior Women's Handball Super Cup Tuesday, after beating Petro de Luanda 31-28 in the final match played in Algeria. 

At half-time, the two Angolan sides were leveled 13-13.

Petro de Luanda’s skipper Vilma Nenganga was voted MVP.

In Monday's matches, 1º de Agosto eliminated DRC DGSP 33-24 victory, while Petro beat Egypt’s Al Ahly 26-23.

The two teams will now compete in the Cup Winners' Cup. GVA/AMP
