Luanda to have selective waste collection

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 20 March De 2024    22h23  
Ministra do Ambiente, Ana Paula de Carvalho
Ministra do Ambiente, Ana Paula de Carvalho
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda - The Province of Luanda will soon have a process for the selective collection of plastics, as part of the implementation of the circular economy project, said Wednesday, the minister of the Environment, Ana Paula de Carvalho.

The minister was speaking to the press at the end of an audience between the Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa and the European Union ambassador, Ms. Rosário Bento Pais, having stressed that at the moment they are working on placing containers at specific points in the municipalities, creating sales points and ecopoints, adding that it is a nationwide project.

The minister explained that the meeting served to analyse what has been done so far and also to ask for support in drawing up the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, which is also provided for in the National Strategy.

He said it was time to start drawing up the new National Biodiversity Strategy, since the current one, valid for 2019/2025, is being finalised.

The minister emphasised that they are working with the European Union on the Lobito corridor project, especially in the area related to the conservation of the Quissama and Kangandala national parks, as well as the Chimalavera and Luando reserves, with the aim of overcoming existing constraints.

"We have been pointing out that the constraints, in general, are related to infrastructure to support inspection, revitalising animal replenishment and empowering neighbouring communities", she clarified.



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