Ministry of Environment to reopen Cameia natural park

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 02 August De 2023    21h28  
Parque Nacional da Cameia
Parque Nacional da Cameia
Laite Tito/ANGOP

Luena – The minister of Environment, Ana Paula de Carvalho, on Wednesday in the municipality of Luena, eastern Moxico Province, announced a plan to reopen the National Park of Cameia with the aim of protecting wildlife.

The minister made the announcement during a workshop for the celebration of the World Ranger Day, marked last Monday, July 31.

Ana Paula de Carvalho revealed that the plan to reopen the Cameia National Park involves placing inspectors in that space to reinforce environmental education and guarantee the sustainable management of biodiversity and natural resources.

She informed that this measure might generate benefits to the current and upcoming generations, as well as to create job opportunities and wealth.

The minister said that this plan will be implemented through a public and private partnership to ensure better management and provide the development of ecotourism in the country.

The provincial director of Environment in Moxico, Paulo Lumai, praised the initiative, considering that the park is out of character, due to the lack of infrastructure and administrative support, especially from inspectors.

Country invests in environmental education

The National Director of Environmental Education, Karelia Costa, informed that the country has a National Strategy for Environmental Education (2022-2050), divided into several components.

She said that the aforementioned strategy leads to the constant awareness of citizens from all ranges of the society regarding the need to take care of the environment.

 The World Day of National Parks Inspectors was made official in 2007 and is a date agreed worldwide aiming to recognize the crucial work of these professionals, in the conservation of biodiversity.

The minister's agenda, who developed a two-day working day in Moxico, is marked with a visit to the Park, located in the municipality with the same name, 106 kilometers east of the city of Luena, capital of the province.

The Cameia National Park has an area of 14,450 square kilometers, having been created in 1935 as a hunting reserve and turned into a park in 1957.

It is estimated that Cameia National Park is made up of several species of animals, with emphasis on roan antelope, kobus leche, southern reedbuck, Lion, spotted hyena, leopard and cheetah.


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