Sustainable fire management project in pipeline

  • Luanda     Saturday, 26 March De 2022    16h20  
Burning of forests
Burning of forests
José Cachiva

Luanda - An investment project to mitigate the occurrence of fires is being prepared by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA) and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

Titled “Sustainable Fire Management Project” and to be financed by the Green Climate Fund, the project provides for the implementation of a local and sustainable fire management system, ANGOP learnt from a source close to the process.

The focus is to emphasise the paradigm shift in the way of thinking about fire and the adoption of sustainable management, with benefits for the environment and the population.

In addition to providing for a community approach to the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity, it will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emission rates through the creation of a monitoring, verification and reporting system.

Fires that occur by natural causes or by human action are an environmental concern, both for their contribution to the emission of greenhouse gases and for their role in the degradation of soils and ecosystems, on which communities depend.

However, regional meetings are held with the aim of listening to the experiences and contribution of different local actors working in areas related to the management and monitoring of fires and natural resources.

The initiative is part of the process of evaluating the receptivity and feasibility of the project, whose concept note must be submitted to the Green Climate Fund (FVC), for due funding.

The intention is to engage stakeholders and community representatives in the project, identify the context for carrying out technical studies, capture and socialise their experiences and activities related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, manage and monitor fires and as well as forest resources.

The “Sustainable Fire Management Project” is part of the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change 2021-2035, in view of scenario of fires that occur in the country every year.

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