INAMET focuses on modernization

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 22 March De 2023    17h15  
Edifício do INAMET
Edifício do INAMET
Gaspar dos Santos

Luanda - The National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics (INAMET) has been investing in the modernization of the Institute, with the aim to strengthen its competences and work methods, the institution said in statement that has reached ANGOP as part of the World Meteorological Day marked on March 23.

It indicates that the INAMET Strategic Development Plan (PDE) approved by the Council of Ministers in 2013, has been under execution for some years, with the support of the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication (MINTTICS).


Under that plan, INAMET and Météo France International (MFI) have signed a Memo, which aims to modernize the institution to become a relevant public actor in Angola's interior and exterior in relation to weather and climate.


 The agreement has already enabled the installation of state-of-the-art tools to address issues related to global climate change, such as the National Climate Centre (NCC), which will enable climate projections to be made on a minimum time scale of 90 days and a maximum of 100 years.


In addition to climate projections, important for agriculture, transport and other activities, the project also includes agro-climatic monitoring platforms to support sustainable agriculture.


Models for hydrological alerts, essential for managing the country's river basins, particularly hydroelectric dams, are also part of the Modernization Project package.


In addition, and if necessary, scientific research with national and international cooperation will be carried out to improve the efficiency of the tools installed in the institution.     


The statement adds that activities in the field of meteorology cover sectors such as energy, water resources, agriculture, transport, among others not limited to public information about whether it will rain or not.


The monitoring and understanding of Weather and Climate are essential for the economic development of states, decision making, action planning depending on the availability of water resources important for countries with main energy matrix, hydroelectric and agriculture.


For these reasons, but not only, it is necessary to better understand the global and regional climate to be able to act, both in the component of climate change and the natural variability of the climate.


About the date

World Meteorology Day has been celebrated worldwide since 1950 on March 23. The date results from the creation of the World Meteorological Organization, as well as through the entry into force of the World Meteorological Organization Convention.


 The Convention is signed by 193 Member States and Territories, including Angola.  


The 2023 celebration aims to show that short- and long-term weather conditions, as well as the water cycle, know no geographical or political boundaries and that international cooperation is essential, the celebration of World Meteorological Day takes place under the motto "The future of weather, climate and water across generations".


The World Meteorological Organization is a Specialized Agency of the United Nations with the purpose of coordinating, standardizing and improving meteorological activities worldwide and promoting the efficient exchange of meteorological information among countries for the common benefit of human activities.

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