Soft drink company launches easy recycling bottle

  • Luanda     Friday, 12 August De 2022    18h44  
Marketing director and manager of the Coca-Cola Company in Angola
Marketing director and manager of the Coca-Cola Company in Angola
Denilson de Jesus

Luanda - A new plastic and transparent bottle, of easy recycling, with a capacity of 80 and 200 millilitres of soft drink, was launched Friday in Luanda.

The plastic bottle was launched by the Coca-Cola Company, so it will gradually replace the green bottle for a transparent one, and it will be used in the soft drink SPRITE brand in bottles with two sizes. 


The marketing director and manager of all the company's brands in the Angolan market, Paula Lima Matoso, who was speaking at a press conference, said that the change was part of the company's efforts to improve the brand, based on the people's wellbeing and a more sustainable environment in the long term.


She explained that transparent plastic is easier to recycle with greater economic value and that the process rises to a larger scale if it is used transparent material.


She also said that currently there are already entities and associations that dedicate their daily lives to the collection and treatment of plastic and that this initiative will help the circular recycling economy in the country. 


The manager also said that it was decided to make the transition from green plastic to transparent plastic because the company wants to expand the sustainable recycling movement and make a difference in communities in Angola. 


As an example, she specified that there are already families living on a monthly income of 64,000 kwanzas, from what they collect in terms of plastics, and even gather 80 kilos of the product per month.   


She considered that the intention is to look at the environment in the long term for the benefit of the people, with the transparent plastic being easier and more profitable to treat. 


According to the manager, the company now has new prices, adjusting to the current reality of the consumer, reduced by 50 kwanzas less for soft drinks in aluminum cans. 


The brand manager also announced another project related to the placing of eco-points, by the end of the year, in schools, fuel pumps and other strategic locations in the city. 


The Coca-Cola Company products are being produced by Refriango, which has a filling line of 70,000 bottles per hour.

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