Angola committed to clean energy

  • Luanda     Thursday, 02 June De 2022    16h27  
Ministra de Estado, Carolina Cerqueira
Ministra de Estado, Carolina Cerqueira

Luanda - The Minister of State for Social Affairs, Carolina Cerqueira, said Thursday in Stockholm, Sweden, that Angola plans to reach a target of 70 percent of energy from non-polluting sources by 2025, favouring clean energy from hydroelectric dams and solar power.

According to the official, who was speaking at the opening of the United Nations Conference on the environment, "Stockholm+50," to that end the country has approved the National Climate Change and Environmental Education Strategies.

"And investments have been made in economic and social infrastructures to mitigate the effects of the prolonged drought affecting southern Angola, particularly the recently inaugurated Cafu canal in Cunene province, where access to water has already been ensured over a 160-kilometre stretch for 350,000 people, thus ensuring better opportunities in food production and livestock," she added.

Angola, according to Carolina Cerqueira, is also involved in preparations for the United Nations Conference on the Oceans, taking into account the importance of the blue economy and marine pollution.

"We draw special attention to the need to show solidarity, fulfil the imperative of sharing the means of implementation, in full recognition of the special situation and the specific needs of developing countries.  Financial resources, technical expertise and strengthening the capacity of our institutions are also everyone's responsibility," she said.

Carolina Cerqueira advanced that the country is committed to modernising national environmental laws, integrating civil society, as well as developing effective national mechanisms to enforce laws in this area.



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