Angola committed to conservation of biodiversity

  • Luanda     Saturday, 21 May De 2022    19h28  
Bicuar National Park
Bicuar National Park

Luanda - Angola continues to work on the recovery and permanent strengthening of the conservation and safeguarding of biodiversity, the director of the National Institute for Biodiversity and Conservation (INBC) Albertina Nzunzi said on Saturday.

Speaking to the press, ahead of the celebration of the International Day of Biodiversity, May 22, Albertina Nzunzi stated that the  commitment is part of the “National Biodiversity Strategy” and action plan to ensure the resilience of ecosystems, providing essential services and contributing to the well-being of the population by 2025

 Nzunzi explained that the strategy began to be implemented by INBC since 2019, in partnership with UNDP.

The idea is to implement projects to expand and strengthen conservation areas, create the first marine conservation area in Angola, as well as put an end to poaching and human-animal conflict.

In order to better carry out the recommended tasks, the sector conduct awareness-raising actions in the communities, for the conservation of wetlands and their species throughout the national territory, training on environmental crimes and their legislation.

Albertina Nzunzi mentioned the formative, preventive, representative and reparatory measures, in accordance with the legislation on environmental crimes, for the sustainability of the strategy.

According to the official, with these measures, the national biodiversity is in full recovery, especially of those large species, easy to observe and more vulnerable to human activities.

The ongoing strategy is based on the goals of the PDN 2018/2022 and the National Long-Term Strategy, Angola 2020/2025, to maintain ecosystem services, maintain a healthy and unpolluted environment and share essential benefits for all.

With an  annual celebration, the date created by the United Nations (UN) on May 22, 1992, aims to raise awareness of the population around the world about the importance of biological diversity and preservation of biodiversity in all ecosystems.

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