IFC willing to finance national production

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 30 March De 2022    19h59  
IFC willing to finance agricultural production in Angola
IFC willing to finance agricultural production in Angola
Manuel Zamba - ANGOP

Luanda – The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is willing to provide technical and financial assistance to companies with sustainable projects, aimed at increasing national production, with emphasis on the cultivation of soybeans in Angola.

The guarantee was given this Wednesday, in Luanda, by the Senior Investment Officer of the IFC, Shelisa Samgy, who assured that the institution has great financial capacity to support national producers operating in the agricultural area.


However, she clarified that it is necessary that interested parties comply with the criteria defined by the financier.


Speaking to ANGOP, on the sidelines of the workshop on soy production in Angola, the official pointed out the presentation of economically profitable projects, environmental and social impact studies as the main requirements for one to have access to IFC support.


According to the source, entrepreneurs or investors who do not have the mandatory requirements, nor experience in the agricultural sector, can be assisted with training programmes to respond to the requirements of the financier.


On the occasion, the official mentioned that the financial institution of the World Bank group has already provided technical assistance to the companies Carrinho Agri and Lucalagro, the operators that have supported the training of small and large producers in the country.


In addition to these companies, she said that IFC is also open to technically and financially support other investors who work with small or large agricultural producers in Angola.


Present in Angola since 2019, IFC is a global institution offering investment, advisory and asset management services to encourage private sector development in least developed countries.


Although soybean grain is one of the most important cereals for the world economy, due to its various application possibilities, in Angola the cultivation of this product is still beyond the needs of the national market compared to corn production.


According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the production of soy obtained in the 2019/2020 agricultural season was only 37,961 tons, while corn cultivation reached 2.972,177 tons, clearly insufficient to meet the country´s needs.


To satisfy the market needs of corn and its byproducts, for example, it will be necessary to double production, which represents a great challenge and a business opportunity in the investment context regarding the cultivation and processing of soybeans, according to the department chief of the National Directorate of Agriculture, Ribeiro António.


In this ambit, Shelisa Samgy explained that it is recommended that economic policy makers and business people be interested in learning about the existing opportunities for the production of soy and corn.



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