Huambo - The dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FCA) at José Eduardo dos Santos University, Ambrósio Fortunato Almeida, highlighted on Friday, the promotion of agricultural techniques, to develop family farming, as one of the main bets.
The academic leader, who was speaking at the event commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the public higher education institution, said that the FCA has established partnerships with state bodies and non-governmental organizations, to allow the administration of agricultural techniques and advice to family farmers.
Ambrósio Fortunato Almeida said that students have been developing, mainly in the surroundings of the Gongouinga neighborhood, agricultural production trials and demonstration classes, with a focus on strengthening capabilities for mastering sustainable agriculture.
He added that these actions developed annually by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in communities aim to transmit modern production techniques, for economic resilience, through family farming.
He reported that the finalists, above all, have participated in the instruction of agricultural techniques for family producers, to contribute to productive income and, at the same time, in the implementation of projects related to food security and the fight against poverty in communities.
He made it known that local farms have also received supervision in agricultural techniques from seniors, with a focus on increasing productive income, to achieve the province's economy, as well as consolidating young people's entrepreneurial initiatives.
He highlighted that the lands in the province of Huambo have potential for promoting sustainable agriculture, through the assertive application of organic and chemical fertilizers, which require periodic soil studies, to build a solid and healthy economic base in preserving the ecosystem.
At this time, 1,950 students are being monitored for their Agricultural and Forestry engineering degree courses.
He also teaches master's degrees in Forestry and Environmental engineering, Food Production and Technology, Agriculture and Natural Resources, as well as a doctorate in Agro-food Technology
historical route
FCA was founded in 1962, on the occasion of the institutionalization of general university studies in Angola. It was implemented in Huambo in 1968, with degree courses in Agricultural Sciences, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine.
In 1975 it experienced its first stoppage, due to the decolonization process, having resumed three years later (1978).
The second strike occurred in 1992, due to the armed conflict, and only resumed in 2003, after peace had been achieved, in April 2002, when the Veterinary Medicine course was also disbanded.
Since 2003, it has been guided by Hilário Salupula, as coordinator of the installation committee and by deans Armando Manuel Valente, António Eduardo Bartolomeu Alicerces, Guilherme Pereira and Imaculada Henrique Matias.
Currently, he teaches undergraduate courses in Agricultural and Forestry Engineering and master's degrees in Agronomy and Natural Resources and Food Technology. LT/JSV/ALH/DOJ