Bonsae Farm estimates harvesting 600 tons of rice

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 06 February De 2024    12h46  
Plantação de arroz
Plantação de arroz
Aurélio Cua-ANGOP

Malanje - The Bonsae farm, located in the municipality of Luquembo, plans to harvest 600 tons of rice from May this year, in an area of 100 hectares.

The information was provided today, Tuesday, by the farm supervisor, Adriano Capingano, stating that, despite the production estimate being below last year's, in which 1,800 tons were harvested, there are positive indicators regarding the introduction of corn and soybean crops, to be cultivated in an area of 200 hectares, already in preparation.

He pointed out the late arrival of the seed as a factor that led to the reduction in the rice planting area, a situation that will be overcome in the next campaigns, as a result of the agreement established with the Federal University of Lavras, in Brazil, for the production of seeds adapted to the region's climate. .

With this, he added, the project aims to increase the annual rice cultivation areas, with a view to contributing to increasing the supply of the product.

In addition to its own production, the farm buys rice produced by family farmers, a strategy that has encouraged households to increase planting.

The Bonsae's representative has a rice husking machine, with a capacity of four tons/hour.

The Songo Region, which comprises the municipalities of Luquembo, Quirima and Cambundi-catembo, has a reserve of 250 thousand hectares for rice cultivation, with three companies currently dedicated to this crop, namely Bonsae, Marsiris and Planeta Verde. ACC/PBC/CF/DOJ

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