US multinational DAGAN LTD checks investment opportunities in Angola

  • Luanda     Monday, 30 January De 2023    07h44  

Luanda - A delegation from US multinational company DAGAN LTD began a week-long visit to Angola on Sunday, with the aim of exploring the Angolan market so that they can soon invest in the agriculture and fishing sectors, mainly.

The delegation which is composed by the two presidents of the corporation, namely Sharon Amar and Assaff Bagg, as well as the vice-president of the group Talila Klainman, is to meet Monday morning with the minister of Agriculture and Forestry, António Francisco de Assis, the minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Carmen do Sacramento Neto, and in the afternoon they will meet with the board of the Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment and Exports (AIPEX).


During the visit, which will run from 29 January to 5 February, the US delegation, which arrived on Sunday, plans to travel to the centre-west Benguela Province to meet with provincial government officials and representatives of fishermen's associations from the centre-south region of Angola.


After the two-day stay in Benguela, starting 4 February (public holiday), a visit to an agricultural project is scheduled, located in the area of Catete, east of Luanda Province, where there are several national and foreign initiatives.


Speaking briefly to ANGOP, Talila Klaiman said that the search for spaces to invest in Angola aims to respond to the national strategy of attracting investors to the agriculture and fishing sectors, which is now motivated by the new business legislation recently approved in Angola.


According to the official, they are looking for land that is in nearby areas to operate in both sectors, also looking for good logistical support, water and electricity, so that investments can be extended to livestock, saltpans, logistics and other areas.


She said that the DAGAN LTD group was founded in Israel, around 40 years ago, and that it also has investments and businesses in China and in Latin American countries and in this way they are now working to make room in Africa with projects to invest in Angola.


According to ANGOP, the group´s visit was a result of audiences that the Minister for Agriculture and Forestry, António Francisco de Assis, granted to the US businesspeople during his visit to Washington (USA), from 13 to 15 December, 2022, as part of the government's policy to attract investments at this time of economic diplomacy in Angola.


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