ADRA supports more than 500 peasant families in Cunene

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 20 February De 2024    14h18  
Distribuição de sementes agrícolas no Curoca/Cunene
Distribuição de sementes agrícolas no Curoca/Cunene

Ondjiva- Five hundred and 87 peasant families from the municipalities of Ombadja and Cahama, Cunene province, benefited in 2023 from technical assistance, fertilizers and various agricultural seeds, in an initiative of the Action for Rural Development and Environment (ADRA).

The information was provided to ANGOP Tuesday, by the director of ADRA in Cunene, Alice Peso, stating that the technical assistance consisted of improving technological tools for soil preparation, cultural cultivation, density, sowing rate and reconciliation of cultures.

She added that with the new agricultural techniques, families obtained a greater diversity of crops, to meet their basic food needs and, in case of surplus, for commercialization, with a view to increasing financial income.

She added that they also received support in strengthening their agricultural activities, through the Farmer's Field School, with the availability of 27 hectares of arable land in the current agricultural campaign and seeds distributed to 11 community farms.

Along this path, he said that 750kg of massango seed and an equal amount of massambala, 550kg corn, 300kg butter beans, one thousand and 200 grams of vegetable seeds such as onion, tomato, kale, eggplant, cabbage and pepper were delivered.

Alice Peso also highlighted the support for 40 livestock handlers with 30 kits and 30 technical assistance manuals for livestock farmers.

Regarding the environment and mitigation of the effects of climate change, she said that the organization built 24 sidewalk cisterns, with a capacity of 52 thousand liters, benefiting around 456 families in access to water.

She mentioned that 385 families improve their income through Cash for Work (monetary transfer), in a process of digging holes, sealing and building sidewalk cisterns.

The person responsible highlighted the training of 564 families on good basic sanitation practices in the communities, such as constant hand washing, cleaning around their homes, rational use of water, among others.

The project, she said, falls within the scope of sanitation and public health, where 1,270 children were screened, of which 86 were diagnosed with moderate acute malnutrition and 35 with severe acute malnutrition and referred to health units.

To promote economic activities for families, she highlighted, they support youth organizations in the production of artisanal soap in Ombadja, as well as initiatives aimed at promotion and development, with a budget of around three million kwanzas.

Created in 1990, ADRA is an Angolan non-governmental organization, dedicated to promoting the democratic and sustainable, social, economic and environmental development of the country.FI/LHE/ASS/DOJ

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