Government collects contributions for youth development project

  • Luanda     Saturday, 13 April De 2024    16h42  
Secretário de Estado para Juventude, Francisco Boaventura Chitapa
Secretário de Estado para Juventude, Francisco Boaventura Chitapa

Saurimo - The Ministry of Youth and Sports (MINJUD), on Saturday in the Province of Lunda-Sul, collected contributions to enrich the Strategic Plan for Integral Youth Development 2023/2024.

At the opening of the event, the secretary of State for Youth, Francisco Boaventura Chitapa, said that it was an instrument that would safeguard and defend the aspirations of young Angolans, which is why it was necessary for young people to contribute with their ideas and opinions to enrich the project.

He emphasised that the government does not want a plan that only serves the Youth Ministry, but rather to draw up a project that meets young people's aspirations.

The official explained that the plan aims to follow up actions aimed at the integral development of youth, always taking into account the mobilisation for the adoption of policies that guarantee the well-being of this section of the society.

Francisco Chitapa mentioned the need to involve young people in the objectives of participatory and social democracy.

The meeting was attended by young people from different social backgrounds in the four municipalities of Lunda-Sul, such as heads of youth associations, academics, defence and security bodies and the population in general.

During the event, participants made suggestions and contributions to enrich the project.


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